A model institution

About us

At Marcet, since 1978, we have been devoted to gather knowledge about Football and to transmit it to thousands of young footballers, coaches, teachers, institutions and all kind of professionals. To excel in this task, Marcet connects three key points: sports education, academic education and human values, which (thanks to sport) are efficiently instilled on all our students.

As a result of decades of hard work, we have become the referential institution regarding football education all over the globe.

Our bases

Marcet's four fundamentals

From Barcelona, we have extended our presence in more than 30 countries, always starting on out four main pillars:



Specialized in educating players and goalkeepers since they are four years old until they find their place on professional football, through the Marcet Methodology and always under the same motto: life of a footballer is very short, while the life of an ex footballer is very long. At Marcet academic studies and sports are linked. We cannot conceive one without the other.


Devoted to investigate Football from all perspectives and to design methodologies for the efficient transmission of knowledge. It is also the place for the education of all kind of football professionals.


To offer opportunities to those who have less, Marcet Foundation manages a complete scholarship program. Thanks to this Foundation, hundreds of young footballers all over the world have found in football the path to overcome poverty and get an academic, sports and human values education.


Marcet has the call of spread football and its values through all possible ways. Consequently, Marcet offers to all football related institutions its many years of experience through its consultancy services, to help them to find economic viability and to organise in order to make their services efficient and capable of making the difference in their social environment.

Our future

Where do we go

At Marcet we know that football is the only phenomenon that has successfully eliminated frontiers. Consequently, we work to educate and connect among them footballers, professionals and institutions from all over the world.

This exchange of knowlege and experiences enrich everyone and allows the personal growth of all individuals related with football.

To achieve this goal, we have embraced all possibilities that the digital era offers. Through new technologies and the globalisation of transport, we are worldwide pioneers in football education.

From our headquarters in Barcelona, we have helped to develop football in more than 30 countries and we make possible for hundreds of players and institutions to achieve success. It’s just the beginning.


Where we come from

90% of young footballers won’t become professional. The lack of methodology, seriousness and depth on knowledge stops the complete and satisfactory development of the player. The few that reach the elite, have a very short footballer life. Just over 30 years old, they are naturally forced outside the playing field and stumble on a long life yet to fill with something. Unfortunately, very few players worry about get a proper academic education and, when they retire, they do not know anything. Seeing this situation, the former international player Javier Marcet and his son, José Ignacio, wanted to change it and, to do so, they created on 1978 Marcet, an institution devoted to three key necessities of football: provide it with professionalism, depth content and the opportunity of combining football with academic education. Since then, Marcet has managed to educate thousands of students who have found their place on professional football or had the chance to follow a different career that ensured their future.

An academy for individuals

The basis of Marcet work is the differentiation from clubs. Marcet is not a team nor seeks victory on tournaments. Marcet focuses on the individuals and their education. Achievements are conquered individually.
“Any club is, by nature, a competitive entity. To win is the reason of its existence. Consequently, teams seek for the efficient combination of the strengths of their eleven players on the field. The individual growth of the footballer comes and will always come second. Marcet, instead, has an educational nature.

Its objective is for each player to fully reach their own potential and for him to know how to put his individual technique and other skills at the service of the whole team. Always in an intelligent and efficient way.”

J. Marcet