How likely are you to make it to professional football?


The Checking Programme is a diagnosis of a player’s potential established throughout an evaluative personalised course.

“Two weeks won’t make anyone the world’s best player, but I wanted Jason to go through this experience to know if he really does have what it takes to reach the footballing elite.” Ernest Addi took his son to Barcelona with a clear objective in mind: finding out his son’s potential. He crossed the Atlantic because he believed in Marcet’s experience and criteria and in those two weeks, he found the answers he was looking for:

The Checking Programme was made to define the professional prospects of a specific player. It evaluates both strengths and weaknesses, verifies both opportunities and future threats. It’s the rigorous and exhaustive diagnosis that Addi was looking for when he wanted to know where his son’s abilities where at and what possibilities he had of carving out a place for himself in the top tier footballing scene.

For many, the Checking Programme is the natural means of entry and introduction to Marcet’s High Performance Academy. Due to its brief duration – from one to 11 weeks – it’s the perfect opportunity to get to know and directly experience the Professional Programme (MPEP) without having to spend an entire season in Barcelona. In fact, the Checking Programme trainees benefit from the Academy’s facilities and services in their entirety, including two daily group practice sessions, New Technologies and Video Analysis sessions, Airport transfers, language lessons…

This way, the Checking Programme could be considered a trial period for the Professional Programme. Only it’s something more. Not only for it’s eminently evaluative nature but because it’s a particularly personalised course with a daily individual training session and various optional services such as Structural Analysis and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, crucial for the optimisation of muscular development thanks to our latest generation technology and a very specific work plan.

A complete diagnose

The evaluation for player ability and physical form is carried out through a series of tests of which said results are then contrasted to the standard of requirement by the technical teams of Europe’s main clubs. Managers, trainers, sport psychologists and physiotherapists all take into account tactical guidelines and fundamental factors like the decision-making, game-plan vision, learning capacity, game intelligence, personality and values that a scholar may possess.

Just like every other course at Marcet, it should be noted that the Checking is highly demanding. “If what you’re looking for is tourism, this isn’t the place for you”, outlines Addi. “I was expecting to see intense training, but what I’ve seen has surpassed my expectations. For good.”

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