‘Marcet is like a family to us’


Due to the concern about the coronavirus, Marcet implements new measures to follow the guidelines of the health authorities.

Given the concern about the coronavirus, Marcet wants to send a message of normality. At this academy we are concerned about the health of our students throughout the year, regardless of the circumstances. Thanks to this constant monitoring, we can inform that there are no cases of coronavirus in Marcet.

We want to insist that our students are the population with the lowest risk, due to their age and physical condition. Outdoor sports activity is one of the best measures to enjoy a healthy life and a strong immune system. We also want to remind that we enjoy an excellent location in Barcelona, ​​very close to the most important hospitals of Spain and far from human crowds.



El responsable del Departamento Médico toma la temperatura a un alumno.
The head of the Medical Department takes the temperature of a student.

Due to the current situation, we have implemented some modifications in our medical protocol in order to be ready to react quickly to any symptom of any discomfort. We have begun to take the temperature of all the students and staff on a regular basis and we are reinforcing hygiene measures throughout our facilities.

Likewise, the professionals who accompany our students every day have received specific training to guide them in intensifying hygiene and prevention habits. Our priority is our students, so we have eliminated all the activities not related to the Professional Program, so that – in their day-to-day life – they do not have to cross paths with people outside their environment.

Una sesión de entrenamiento del 12 de marzo en las instalaciones Marcet.
March, 12. A training session at the Marcet facilities.

In addition, we want to give full support to those parents who decide to bring their children back home. All those who leave Barcelona will come home with a schedule and a physical, tactical, technical and nutritional training plan. This plan will be continuously monitored via WhatsApp and videoconferences by coaches and students. The distance will not be an impediment for your child to continue training.

Tomorrow, schools will temporarily close their doors. The students who stay with us in Barcelona will keep to a normal routine, with a lot of outdoor activity and a reduction of the time spent in closed spaces. Regarding the competition, the regular league has been temporarily suspended and there are many possibilities that the Easter Tournaments will be canceled. As a result of this situation, we have implemented a schedule of alternative activities compatible with the recommendations of the health authorities. Our students will continue to receive the excellent training they have been receiving so far.

Of course, Marcet follows the guidelines of the Spanish health system, considered one of the best in the world by the WHO in its 2019 Health Efficiency Report.


12 March

Today every coach has communicated to their team the new schedule of activities, sending a message of calm to all the students and emphasizing that outdoor sports activity is one of the best measures to enjoy a strong immune system.

Charla informativa sobre Coronavirus en las instalaciones Marcet.
Informative talk about coronavirus at Marcet facilities.

The importance of following the recommendations that are being made around the world, such as frequent hand washing and maintaining good personal hygiene, has also been conveyed to players.

After the talk, as a preventive measure, the Marcet staff has begun to take the temperature of all the players. Afterwards, each team has carried out their respective training sessions normally.


13 March

In the current world situation caused by the coronavirus, Marcet has always supported those parents who decided that their children had to go back home. However, border closings and communication cuts have ended up preventing many of these transfers.

Momento de una actividad lúdica en la mañana del 13 de marzo.
A plaayer smiles during an activity on the morning of March 13th.

Marcet wants to send a message of normality to the parents of the students who are still in Barcelona. The academy’s residences will continue to function as before, of course implementing the measures that the health authorities deem appropriate.

“It is logical to be worried in a situation like this,” explains Valentina Rossi Grandi, mother of Noah Grandi, an Italian student at the Marcet Academy. “We would have preferred to live these moments with my son by our side, but it was not possible due to the suspension of all flights between Italy and Spain.”

Despite the distance, the Grandi family has two good reasons not to be alarmed. “The first is that we know that the virus does not vehemently hit young people. The second is that we have complete trust in Marcet, who is like a family to us.”

Nath Lilienfeld, responsible for the Marcet residences, stated that no student will be left alone: ​​”Even in case of confinement, designated personnel will stay with the children in each of our residences.”


14 March

As recommended by the Spanish authorities, sports activities have been suspended today at Marcet. The players have remained in their residences, where the academy staff continues to manage their normal day-to-day activities.

13 de marzo: alumnos en el exterior de la residencia Forja.
Marcet’s players at the Forja residence, on March 13.

Marcet wants to send a message of tranquility to all the families, stressing that the the staff of the academy will take care of the students in Barcelona. It has always been this way and it will always be so, whatever the circumstances.

On the other hand, Marcet continues to support all the players who want to return home, facilitating their transfer to airports or railway stations. The academy staff continues to work to assist all the students who can and want to leave Spain.

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