Del Bosque approves ‘Marcet philosophy’
{mb_sdlf_jugador_SDLF-jugador_frase-destacada}The most successful national coach in the History of Spain says that behind Marcet there is “an exquisite way of seeing football”.
“Football as a school of values”. This is the cornerstone of “Marcet philosophy” according to Vicente del Bosque, who sees in the founding spirit of our training centre a principle able to “give the forthcoming generations […] hefty reason to brighten the practice and the use of football”.
The former manager of the Spanish national team pays tribute to Javier Marcet and his “extraordinary lucidity” in the prologue of his book ‘Repensar el fútbol’ (‘Rethinking football’, Diario La Grada Ediciones). The book offers up to 64 keys to reinvent this sport and restore its values.
“Football was born amateur and we should recover this spirit, but nowadays in the pitches we see too much wiliness, wasting too much time”, explains Marcet. Many teams are more worried to defend rather than to score goals, and this is against this sport’s nature. These strategies should be punished because football, without its spectacular nature, is at risk of dying.
The proposals in the book are none other than those implemented daily at Marcet. The aim is to educate young students comprehensively so they start from three basic ideas: Humility, Honesty and Humanity (HHH).
Because, in the words of Del Bosque, football “needs to be taken care of as means, not as an end in itself”. In this sense, the most honoured Spanish National team manager qualifies Marcet’s work as “successful proof of accuracy and sense”.
“Repensar el fútbol” is a real guide to understand football disruptions and discuss its foreseeable future. It’s a book written with the aim that “winning no matter what” is never the priority. It’s a complete revision of football today and a commitment to recover the original values of this sport or, in Del Bosque words, simply “an exquisite way of seeing football”.