A modern striker


Miguel Soto signs for Crystal Palace after moving to England with his family.

Miguel Soto was born 15 years ago in Madrid, but has already spent more than half his life in England. In 2010 he joined the ranks of Brunete, the only club he played for before emigrating to the other side of the Channel. In England he passed through various other clubs such as Windsor Youth, Ascot and Ashted Wanderers, and began making the most of his Summer and Winter holidays by attending Marcet courses.

“I mainly attended the intensive courses, in both Madrid and Barcelona, but in 2019 I also got to participate in the Oviedo Cup during the Easter break,” remembers Miguel, who is an “eminently offensive” player, with great game vision and great capacity to take his rivals on. He has a scoring instinct, but also knows how to assist his teammates, which makes him a well-rounded, modern striker.

“It’s important to always try your best, surpass yourself and turn difficulties into opportunities”

At Marcet I started mastering my control of the ball. I also learned how to work hard and understand the importance of using both feet. We also had video sessions where they would show how important sporting values are,” explains Miguel, who now sports the number 10 on his back for Crystal Palace.

Miguel Soto (de azul) en un partido de Marcet contra el Eibar.
Miguel Soto (wearing a blue jersey) in a match against Eibar.

A scout for the English team took notice of him during the 2018-20 season and gave him the opportunity to have a trial for ‘The Eagles’. “After having trained at Crystal Palace’s Development Centre, they invited me to participate in a tournament,” remembers the Spanish striker. “After the competition ended I received a proposal to continue at the club. It was actually a hard decision to make because I received a proposal for Chelsea during the same week. In the end I decided to put my trust in Palace, as their scout believed in me from square one.”

Miguel and his family are now faced with a conundrum because due to work related reasons they may have to return to Spain. In fact, they already put back their return in order to allow the striker to pursue his dream of reaching professional football. And it is not everyday that Crystal Palace knocks on your door. “Maybe I’ll have to look for a team in Spain in the future. For the moment my objective is to continue training and studying hard. It’s important to always try your best, surpass yourself and turn difficulties into opportunities to get better everyday.”

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