Pride and clear thinking


Miquel didn’t think twice about hanging up his boots to take on the life of a trainer. Today he leads goalkeeper training at Girona FC.

Miquel Colldecarrera Badosa is responsable for Girona FC’s goalkeepers. He is also a prime example of how one can find a gratifying and fulfilling career path by way of passion and dedication. However it goes without saying that his situation also owes itself to a good education.

“I’m passionate about my job, I love it… It’s something I thoroughly enjoy”, explains Miquel, born and raised in Olot (Gerona). “I’ve always had very clear ideas about what I wanted to do. From very early on I wanted to be a goalkeeper. Now, a few years later, I’m lucky enough to make a living from precisely that, only in a slightly different way. I’m helping aspiring kids grow into those very aspirations… It’s an honour. As much as it is being a part of Girona FC, this being my home”.

Miquel is in charge of managing the goalkeepers’ day to day at the Catalan football club. Not only concerning sports, but in every little detail that goes towards being a professional footballer: “Our goal is to take care of everything so that the athletes can concentrate solely on training and improving day in, day out. Excellence is what we strive for in our attempt to offer quality in terms of work ethic and experience both on and off the playing field, from training to accommodation, transport, etc. The objective here is that our goalkeepers feel comfortable and valued for their effort and dedication, which is why everything has to be made as easy as possible, especially for those that come from far away”.

“I really enjoy working with passionate and ambitious players with lots of room for improvement”

Miquel is also responsable for designing and developing the method, approach and itinerary of base football training sessions at Girona FC. However, his heart is in the daily quest for improvement in training for competition. “The work revolving around training is something that completes me. I really enjoy working with passionate players with lots of room for improvement and are ambitious with their sights set on professional football”.

The same kind of hunger he had himself just ten years ago when he signed up for the Annual Course. “Back then I went to Barcelona for my studies and I found out that Marcet offered specialised, quality training for goalkeepers, lead by Tommy N’kono. I asked the club I was playing for at the time to enroll me in aid of getting in shape for our matches on the weekends. It was a very positive experience. I remember the training sessions full of theory as well as the field work being equally as impressive, here I’d be corrected in areas I’d never worked on before. In all, it was very enlightening, I learned a lot”.

“IN MARCET I’d be corrected in areas I’d never worked on before. It was very enlightening”

His career as a footballer took Miquel through ‘Segunda Catalana’ (second division catalan league) ’til he was 27 years of age. That was when he decided he would hang the boots and make a career for himself as a trainer. He had his mind set on clear ideas and was really excited about the prospect of educating and passing on what he had learned. He made his way through a few teams and academies before he received a call from Girona.

It’s only been four years, but the club has gone through a lot. “Back then it was somewhat more amateur and not as professional. I’ve seen the club grow exponentially from year to year, which will definitely have something to do with the main team’s great dynamic and promotion to the Primera Division in 2017. So far, it’s been a great step in the right direction for them and really gratifying for everyone involved. I have to say that here, I’m very happy”.


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