A complete course
{mb_sdlf_jugador_SDLF-jugador_frase-destacada}The Talent Cup combines training and competition and is for many the gateway to Marcet’s High-Performance Academy.
Training and competition at the highest level. No football course combines these two facets like Marcet Talent Cup, which kicks off every summer with camps for people over 13 years of age. It’s, if anything, a demanding experience with a serious workload. That’s why every year dozens of players sign up to find out how they’re doing and almost always, eventually join Marcet’s High-Performance Academy for the season to come.
Among these hungry young promises is Jason Addi, who made his way to Barcelona from America last year to understand if he met the demands of today’s professional footballing scene. His father decided to join him in his trip across the Atlantic. “I expected intense training, but what I’ve seen has gone beyond my expectations,” says Ernest Addi in this video, where he shares with us his son’s experience at the Marcet Talent Cup:
Involvement in International tournaments is the hallmark of this football campus. These competitive phases allow players to put into practice everything learned in their first days at Marcet. It also allows the technicians to assess players more accurately, being able to analyse them in a demanding competitive context, not only during practice.
The Marcet Talent Cup lasts either 7 or 13 days, depending on the turn that is chosen. In both cases, the first days are dedicated to training at our headquarters in Barcelona. This stage includes technical-tactical training, physical conditioning work both in the pool and on the beach, meetings with sports psychologists and, optionally, New Technologies sessions.
To accommodate the large number of activities that take place during those first days, the schedules are alternate days (A-B-A-B, etc.):
07:00h Target practice
07:30h Snack
08:00h Technical-tactical Session
09:00h Physical Session
09:15h Shower
09:30h Breakfast
11:00h Training session and Sports Psychology
13:00h Technical-tactical Session
14:00h Shower
14:15h Lunch
15:00h Leisure Activity
18:00h Technical-tactical Session
19:00h Physical Session
19:15h Shower
20:00h Dinner
21:00h Free Time
22:00h Return to dorms
23:00h Lights out
07:00h Target Practice
07:30h Snack
08:00h Technical-tactical Session
09:00h Break
09:15h Shower
09:30h Breakfast
10:00h Training session
11:00h Break
11:15h Training session
12:45h Shower
13:00h Lunch
13:45h Siesta
16:00h Sports Psychology
17:30h Individual Technique
18:00h Technical-tactical Session
19:00h Physical Session
19:15h Shower
20:00h Dinner
21:00h Free Time
22:00h Return to Dorms
23:00h Lights out
After this educational first stage, on the 28th of June students go to the Catalan Pyrenees to participate in the Cerdanya Cup during the last days of the campus. On the French border, they compete in an international tournament and stay in a hostel located in the town of Llivia. Each player’s performance in the competition is key to their reports at the end of the course. These are very precise evaluations that allow a personalised follow-up of each student based on the principles of Tailor Made philosophy.

For many students, the Talent Cup is also the ideal course to experience first-hand the worl-ethic and efficiency of Marcet’s High-Performance Academy, which has been training ambitious, intelligent for years. Many of them have signed to First or Second Division clubs. Others have been summoned by their National Teams. The Marcet Hall of Fame gives an account of their experiences and how our students reach their dream of becoming professional football players thanks to a course like Talent Cup.