Celebrating university sports


Marcet hosted five-a-side football, football and rugby matches for the Inter-university World Championships 2017.

University sports perfectly illustrates how Marcet’s two main philosophies come together: physical activity and academics. Precisely that being the reason our installations hosted the third edition of the Inter-university World Championships this November, in which hundreds of young up-and-comers from all around the world competed in over ten different sports.

It might only have three years under its belt, but every year’s turn-out has so far topped the last. After celebrating two editions in Rome, Barcelona was appointed headquarters for these tournaments, organised by the IUSC (International University Sports Committee), a non-profit entity with the aim of co-ordinating the sporting initiatives carried out by academies all over the world.

The event saw the participation of approximately 2,500 students from 80 countries, making Barcelona’s the largest championship exhibited to date. The athletes tested themselves in 12 different sports including football, basketball, rugby, handball, tennis and swimming.

Marcet’s grounds were the allocated space for the football, five-a-side football, and rugby matches. During the third weekend of November, undergraduates from Italy, Israel, France and Egypt challenged one another at both Ciudad Deportiva and CEM Teixonera Vall d’Hebron’s pitches managed by Marcet.

The objective behind the Inter-university World Championships is to offer students from all over the world the opportunity to celebrate sports as a medium to promote inclusion, fair play, awareness and respect for different ethnicities and cultures. The very same values Marcet has taught its scholars for over thirty years.

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