Six secrets to be a better footballer
{mb_sdlf_jugador_SDLF-jugador_frase-destacada}What are the keys that make a footballer a smart player?
“There are no miracle pills in football.” This has been the message that J. Marcet wanted to convey to the players of the intensive summer courses. In a presentation speech addressed to families, the president of this Academy emphasized that any improvement must inevitably go through the path of learning. A path marked by specific stages, in which players will discover every day something new about the world of football, until they reach the goal of becoming intelligent players:
“Your children are here today at Marcet because you want them to improve their performance in football. They also want to improve, and during this course they will discover the six secrets that will help them to flow in their progression.
- The first thing they will perceive is that between their current skill level and the level they dream of, there is only one path: learning.
- During the second day of the course, they will already know that talent is not a gift from genetics, but a conquest of effort.
- On the third day they will understand that a football match is not played by 11 players against 11 players, but by a team against another team. Therefore each player has to contribute with his strengths in order for the team to achieve the group’s goal.
- On the fourth day they will discover that all the players have different strengths and that these differences are good for the team.
- On the fifth day they will be prepared to know themselves and begin to perceive what type of footballers they are. They will understand that they do not choose their strengths, but it is the strengths that choose them. Thus, they will discover that they will achieve happiness in football when they learn to identify and appreciate the strengths that they really have, without wanting those they do not have or those that others have. What they are good at, they have to be better.
- On the sixth day they will find their most precious treasure: understanding that in football the important thing is not knowing how to do things, but taking advantage of the things they already know how to do.

All that means:
- You have to understand the game of football.
- Once understood, you have to be able to make good decisions.
FIFA calculated that, during an official match, a player has the ball at his feet for no more than two or three minutes. And what does a footballer have to do in the remaining 88 minutes? The answer is clear: think. Think about every moment of the game to see, understand, decide and execute quickly and effectively. That means being a smart player.
At Marcet we don’t want to change football, but rather to empower the young people who will change football: your children.”