Football Mecca
{mb_sdlf_jugador_SDLF-jugador_frase-destacada}Barcelona has become the ideal haven for football teams and academies alike that are looking for quality training all year round.
Barcelona is a Mecca of sorts for the footballing world and every year that goes by, it seems more so. Not only by means of FC Barcelona’s hard earned reputation and Spain’s love for football in general but also for its climate, ideal for practicing sports 365 days a year. Not to mention its distinctive, constant flux of millions of tourists coming from all around the world to experience its fantastic and fun-loving cultural heritage.
Hanna Mezei, head of Sports World Global Solutions, a Danish company that organises sporting expeditions around the world, knows this all too well. “Barcelona is the ideal place for trips concerning football. It’s the perfect city for the quality of its teams and sunny climate. Right now, in Denmark we’re sitting in ten centimetres of snow, but over in Spain it’s already spring”.

Hanna is currently in Barcelona with the Hellebjerg Sports Academy’s students: a private school that offers advanced sporting education to over 500 students, aged 15 to 17. “Every year they ask me to organise a trip like this and Barcelona is always the first option. We’re not looking for a holiday, more an educational sporting expedition. The students come here to play friendly matches and train in local football academies. They come to learn”.
“the COACHES here are more prepared than the ones in Denmark”
This is the third consecutive year Sports World Global Solutions comes to Marcet in their search for this kind of training and education. “We’ve had a training session where we worked on passing and striking”, Sarah Faerge, student at Hellebjerg, tells us. “I’ve got a great feeling about this because I can tell that the technicians here are more prepared than the ones back at home in Denmark. The thing is, we’re not only working on tactics and technique, but we’re working on values as well”.
“We trust Marcet because we know that they’re professional and take their work very seriously”, Hanna explains. “I’d love for the Danish trainees here to understand that with hard work and sacrifice they can achieve great results in football. But this trip goes beyond that. This is a fantastic opportunity for Hellebjerg’s students to live a great experience and a chance to make connections as well as friends that they’ll never forget”.